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Werewolf Book 2e ISBN: 9781578593675

Werewolf Fact of the Day:

What herb was believed to both cause and cure werewolves?

  • It is also called Aconitum papellus.
  • It can be used as a pain reliever.
  • It is extremely poisonous, and requires great medicinal skill to spply.
  • It helped link botanically-gifted witches with werewolves.

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From the Werewolf Fact of the Day archive...

What 1981 movie revived werewolf stories in theaters?
How is the vampire's special relationship to the animal kingdom manifested?
Who is Lucius Apuleius and why is he significant to the werewolf legend?
What marriage tale between a beast and a human became a popular children's story?
What are some anthropological reasons for werewolf legends?
What city was named the Werewolf Capitol of South America?
What shape-shifting Navajo creature avenges Mother Earth?
What's the history of the Chupacabra?
What character is credited with establishing the werewolf's relative, the vampire, in popular culture?
What classic tale features a character with lycanthropic tendencies?
What beast is considered the first literary mention of a werewolf-like creature?
What fearsome Norwegian god was a wolfman?
What haunting creature uses the form of a werewolf to cause terror?
What hairy man-beast has long been a feature of the Australian landscape?
What monk had a famous encounter with a werewolf during the middle ages?
What 1981 cult movie classic helped enliven the werewolf movie genre?
What vampiric trait was popularized in werewolf movies, such as American Werewolf in London?
What fanatical Muslim sect is a contemporary example of structured lycanthropic behavior?
What creature was worshipped by an ancient, lycanthropic cult in Africa?
What are some scientific theories and explanations for werewolves?
Which popular 2006 video game features a main character with a wolf form?
What Roman festival was believed to keep away werewolves?
What planet is linked with werewolves?
What circa 1899 tale featured a hermit terrorizing Pennsylvania?
What legendary lupine creature stalks Louisiana swaps?
What children's classic features a werewolf?
What shape-shifter myth is found in most cultures?
Which legendary Malaysian creatures terrorized hunter Henri Van Heerdan?
What beastly creatures haunt the forests of Burma?
What is an grotesque example of the precipitation known as colored rain?
What 1982 music video was inspired by An American Werewolf in London?
What supernatural TV series has a werewolf as a main character?
Which country has a cultural belief that vampires are dead werewolves?
What popular teen books feature werewolves descendent from a Spirit Warrior?
What popular action series redefined werewolf legends?
What theories link the moon with werewolves?
What major movie studio has the largest library of classic horror films and helped introduce the werewolf movie?
What was the first full-length werewolf film?
What is the story of a mysterious shapeshifter called "The Old Man"?
What 1941 werewolf classic was remade in 2010?
What flesh-eating wraith is associated with both vampires and werewolves?
What herb was believed to both cause and cure werewolves?

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