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Handy Religion 2e ISBN: 9781578593798

Religious Holidays Quiz:

Does the beginning of the Muslim year have any particular significance?

  • During the first ten days of the month of Muharram, Muslims reflect on a variety of spiritual themes.
  • During Muhammad's time the community observed a one-day fast on the 10th of the month ('Ashura, pronounced aaSHOOrah).
  • In more traditional Shi'a villages, people still gather to reenact the events in a "passion play" called the Ta'ziya (pronounced ta'ZEEyah).

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From the Religious Holidays Quiz archive...

For Christians, what is the meaning of the season of Lent or the Great Fast?
What kind of religious calendar do Jews observe?
What kind of religious calendar do Christians observe?
What kind of religious calendar do Muslims observe?
What kind of religious calendar do Hindus observe?
What kind of religious calendar do Buddhists observe?
What kind of calendar do Daoists and practitioners of CCT observe?
What kind of calendar do Confucians and CIT observe?
What kind of calendar do Shinto practitioners observe?
Does Daoism have any annual celebrations
What do Christians commemorate on Holy (Maundy) Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday?
How and when do Jews celebrate Passover (Pesach)?
What is the Christian feast of Easter about?
What regular or annual observances have been part of Confucian tradition?
What are some of the regular monthly religious observances that Hindus practice?
What and when are some of the Major Muslim Observances?
What are three important events in the Buddha's life that Buddhists commemorate?
What are the major types of Daoist religious observance?
What and when are some of the Sacred and Notable Days of the Jewish Religious Year?
What is some of the symbolism attached to the structure of the Confucian and CITcalendar?
How does the Shinto tradition determine specific days for festivities?
What are among the important Hindu cyclical observances based largely on celestial signs?
What and when are some of the Major Buddhist Festal Days?
What is the importance of the month of Ramadan?
What are the High Holy Days on the Jewish religious calendar?
When do Muslims make pilgrimage to Mecca and what do they do there?
Are there cyclical observances or feasts that occur regularly in the Buddhist calendar but not just once a year?
Do Shinto practitioners celebrate sacred birthdays or honor particular figures?
Why is the Chinese New Year so important?
Along with Christmas and Easter, what are some of the other religious days Christians observe annually?
Are any feasts dedicated especially to the Hindu goddesses?
What are some of the other religious days Hindus observe?
What is the season of Advent? Why is Christmas so important for Christians?
What are the major festivities and other formerly regular festivals once historically associated with CIT?
What annual festivities do Shinto practitioners celebrate, and what are some of the other festal days Shinto practitioners celebrate?
What kind of religious calendar do Pagans observe?
Are any occasions associated with Muhammad especially important?
Besides the High Holy Days and Passover, what are among the other Jewish great feasts of pilgrimage and remembrance, and are any other regular observances significant in the Jewish ritual year?
Do Muslims celebrate events in connection with any other religious figures besides Muhammad?
What is Holi?
What Buddhist observances are linked with seasonal cycles, and are there days devoted to other aspects of Buddhist teaching?
What is the most important Daoist observance, what are some other important celebrations for Daoism and CCT?
Could you describe an example of an annual CIT ritual occasion in greater detail?
How does the agricultural cycle affect Shinto-related ritual celebrations?
What is the significance of Hanukkah and Purim?
What are among the other religious days Muslims observe?
What is the celebration called Divali?
Are there Buddhist observances related to the locality or indigenous practice?
Do Daoists and practitioners of CCT celebrate the birthdays of any religious figures?
Do Confucians celebrate the birthdays of any religious figures?
Are there cyclical Shinto observances, such as feasts that happen regularly but not annually?
Why do Christians celebrate the Ascension and Pentecost?
In the Catholic tradition, what holidays are associated with angels?
Do Vaishnavites observe unique feasts in honor of Vishnu or his avatars? How do Shaivites honor Shiva?
Do Buddhists celebrate feast days of any other important religious figures?
Does the beginning of the Muslim year have any particular significance?

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