The Handy Personal Finance Answer Book
With over 1,000 questions, the reader is given clear explanations of different principles of finance such as interest, savings, and loans, and then shown how various tactics can be used to save money, get out of debt, or use credit. A fun and understandable read.
From the basics of banking, investing, insurance, and taxes, to getting in and out of debt, Tucci, a partner in a private-equity investment banking firm, answers many frequently asked questions about finance with a minimum of jargon.
Book News
In these times lots of people are paying close attention to their personal finances and to help them Paul A. Tucci has written The Handy Personal Finance Answer Book ($19.95, Visible Ink Press, softcover). His book avoids jargon while providing some good, fundamental advice anyone can apply. Instead of making more bad decisions, the book steers the reader in the right direction.
Book Views
Accessible and easy to use…the further reading listed in the back matter is useful. It will appeal to beginners in personal finance, and it is a good reference for those who want unencumbered basics.
Library Journal
An up-to-date financial reference book for everyone .
. .Combining the most current data with a user-friendly format, this timely reference features more than 1,000 answers to questions on personal finance, its history, and managing one’s financial life. Providing financial lessons in a fun, approachable way, the book avoids financial jargon and offers facts for everyday life that help readers save money. Questions range from simple to complex—How do I balance my check book? Why do people like to use online banks, and how popular is their use? What is a 401K plan? With financial information suitable for a wide range of ages, this is an ideal source for anyone looking to get a better understanding of personal finances.
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