Thomas Jefferson
What famous land expedition did Jefferson order?
Jefferson ordered Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the western part of North America. This famous trip became known as The Lewis and Clark Expedition. Like Jefferson, Meriwether Lewis was born in Albemarle County in Virginia, and served as Jefferson's trusted White House secretary. When Jefferson discussed the idea of a western expedition, Lewis agreed to take the lead in the matter. Lewis asked Clark, a man whom he met while defending federal interests during the Whiskey Rebellion, to accompany him on the trip.
What two Presidents died on the same day?
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826.
What were some of Jefferson's inventions?
Jefferson invented a plow that could delve deeper into the soil than standard plows of the time and could be used on hillsides. The French Agricultural Society bestowed an award to Jefferson for his plow invention. He developed a macaroni machine, after acquiring a taste for many fine foods during his long stay in Europe. He also developed a swivel chair, a dumbwaiter, and a wheel cipher.
Who was Sally Hemings?
Sally Hemings was a slave owned by Thomas Jefferson. It has been alleged that Jefferson had a sexual relationship with Hemings and that she bore his children. In 1802 James T. Callendar wrote about Jefferson's affair with a "slave named Sally" in the Richmond Recorder. Debate still rages among historians as to the veracity of the Jefferson-Hemings relationship. Some suggest that Jefferson's younger brother Randolph may have fathered children with Sally Hemings. DNA testing of Jefferson and Hemings descendants in 1998 showed a definite genetic link between the two families.
What famous document did Jefferson draft in 1776?
Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. He drafted the document in several days. He showed it to John Adams and Benjamin Franklin who made some minor revisions. Later the Continental Congress examined the wording of the document and made more substantial changes. But, the bulk of the document remained as Jefferson wrote it. Congress approved the Declaration on July 4 though members of Congress signed the copy from the printers in early August.
From The Handy Presidents Answer Book, Second Edition by David L. Hudson, Jr., JD., (c) Visible Ink Press(R)
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