Barack Obama
Which former Democratic primary challengers did Obama name to his cabinet?
Obama named Joe Biden as his vice president and Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state.
When did Obama announce his run for the presidency?
Obama announced that he was running for president on February 10, 2007, in front of the Old State Capital Building in Springfield, Illinois. It was at this location that Abraham Lincoln gave his "House Divided" speech when he ran for the Senate in 1858.
At what university did he teach law classes?
Obama accepted a position at the University of Chicago Law School, first as a visiting fellow and then as a lecturer of law. He taught constitutional law at the school from 1992 until 2004, the last eight years as a senior lecturer. He also taught a seminar entitled "Current Issues in Racism and the Law."
What is the controversy over Obama's birth?
Some Obama critics insist that Obama may have been born in Kenya, which would disqualify him for the office of the presidency. The so-called "Birthers" believe that Obama's proof of birth in Hawaii is uncertain.
Where did Obama live as a youngster?
Obama lived in Hawaii for his first few years. However, his mother married an Indonesian student named Lolo Soetoro who was studying geology. The couple moved to Indonesia, so young Barry--as he was known then--spent several years in Jakarta. In 1971, he returned to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents--Stanley and Madelyn Dunham.
From The Handy Presidents Answer Book, Second Edition by David L. Hudson, Jr., JD., (c) Visible Ink Press(R)
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