Metaphors Dictionary

by Elyse Sommer
Metaphors Dictionary

"The most comprehensive work of its kind. A valuable addition to reference works on words."


"A good heavy book holds you down. It's an anchor that keeps you from getting up and having another gin and tonic."

Roy Blount metaphor, Page 47

"Rates a recommendation to lovers of language."

William Safire, New York Times

A masterful metaphor, like a picture, may be worth a thousand words.

By comparing two unlike objects or ideas, it illuminates the similarities between them, accomplishing in a word or phrase what could otherwise be expressed only in many words, if at all. Metaphors Dictionary is an expansive collection of 6,500 colorful classic and contemporary comparative phrases (with full annotations and a complete bibliography of sources). The Metaphors Dictionary revisits most of the great and respected names in the annals of cultural literacy while dipping into current literature and media sources. And now available for the first time in hard cover, it?s bound for heavy duty at a price that?s hard to beat.

"English is a stretch language; one size fits all." William Safire, page 247, Language

Metaphors Dictionary is organized under 500 timeless and timely themes, ranging from Aloneness to Love to Zeal. Looking for a particular metaphor from Mr. Shakespeare? More than 800 are topically integrated throughout the text and are also captured in a separate section aptly titled, "Metaphors from Shakespeare."

Quickly accessed via the author and subject indexes as well as the table of thematic categories, Metaphors Dictionary is an intoxicating stew of expert word play.

"If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him." Benjamin Franklin, page 231, Intelligence

From Molière to Mailer to Mother Theresa, the Metaphors Dictionary provides quick access to some of the greatest minds that have ever compared one thing with another and arrived at a sum greater than the parts.

About Elyse Sommer

Elyse Sommer is the author or editor of numerous titles, including Discovering Literature, The Kids’ World Almanac of Music, Metaphors Dictionary, and Strategies for Reading and Arguing about Literature. She is the editor, publisher, and chief critic of the online theater magazine She lives in Forest Hills, New York.

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Quick Facts

  • ISBN: 9781578591374
  • 672 pages
  • 7.25" x 9.25" hardbound
  • $79.95

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