Unexplained! Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena, Third Edition

by Jerome Clark
Unexplained! 3e

[a] wonderful compendium of strangeness ... This is one of those books you'll return to again and again for head-shaking accounts of how weird and wonderful this world can sometimes be.


a very captivating read and a must for anyone interested in paranormal phenomena.

Booklist Online

Sometimes the medium is more valuable than the message, and that is true of this third edition of Unexplained! … hundreds of weird, wild, and wonderful accounts of everything from Bigfoot to snakes living in stomachs … Clark’s writing style is clear, dispassionate, and witty. … Recommended.


Should warm the heart of any serious observer of the weird world in which we live. It will disturb doubters, scandalize skeptics, and readjust the realities of those whose tunnel vision has blinded them.

Fate magazine

Jerry Clark is a treasure of the fortean world. … This is a very professional compendium of 64 selected topics from one of the field’s masters. … Clark also provides definitive investigations. ... It’s a critical (in all senses) book; get it, read it and be better informed for it.

Fortean Times

Jerome Clack, is a fantastic writer and researcher ... A great new read chock full of data and stories that will give you a new perspective on our world.


fresh and eminently worthwhile in several respects: its particular coverage, the comprehensive detail of its bibliographic references, the high intellectual level of its analysis.

Journal of Scientific Exploration

An excellent purchase for those curious about the curious.

Library Journal

Though aimed as an introduction to Fortean phenomena, this contains lots of material which will be new to even the seasoned Fortean.

Magonia Review of Books

Unexplained! is a delightful book to curl up with before bed. Mr. Clark, who doubles as the [former] vice president of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, makes no judgments, and offers no compelling hypothesis … because after all … weird stuff … happens.

Real Crime Book Digest

Seeing Is Believing.

Or Is It?

Weird stuff happens. Spontaneous human combustion, hairy bipeds, the massive Tunguska event, green fireballs, UFOs, cattle mutilation, crop circles, the Bermuda Triangle, Martian lore, Roswell, Loch Ness, weather phenomena, fairies, living dinosaurs, ghosts, pterodactyl sightings, flying humanoids, the hollow earth, and more than 200 other absorbing puzzles. What really happened? What is the truth? Should you dismiss what you can't explain? Or should you pay attention to the startling evidence and frightening personal accounts of those involved? Decide for yourself with Unexplained!

An authoritative, intelligent, and well-reasoned examination of strange artifacts and events that have long perplexed scientists, Unexplained! is an award-winning exposition of the strange and mysterious. Journey to the outer limits of science and nature and explore a wide range of unknown and enigmatic phenomena. The truth is out there, and looking for it is the real fun.

Learn of hoaxes, witness the creation of various modern myths, and learn of frightening personal accounts and startling historical documents. Documenting the evidence and hearing witnesses out, Jerome Clark brings an engaging narrative to the stories, objectively presents their many possible explanations, and lets the reader make his or her own judgment in this one-of-a-kind book.

About Jerome Clark

Jerome Clark is the prize-winning author of more than a dozen books, including Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds; Strange Skies: Pilot Encounters with UFOs; the multivolume UFO Encyclopedia; and Unnatural Phenomena. He serves on the board of the J. Allen Center for UFO Studies and is the coeditor of its magazine, International UFO Reporter. In 2008 he received the Dinsdale Award given by the Society of Scientific Exploration for significant contributions to the expansion of human understanding through the study of unexplained phenomena.

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Quick Facts

  • ISBN: 9781578593446
  • PDF ISBN: 9781578594276
  • Kindle ISBN: 9781578594290
  • ePUB ISBN: 9781578594283
  • 480 pages
  • 150 photos, drawings and illustrations
  • 7-1/8 x 9-1/4 paperback
  • $54.95

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