The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents), Second Edition

Visible Ink has been publishing the Handy Answer books for over a decade now and they have been a favorite in both school and public libraries. This informative resource will suit public and school library users well.
American Reference Books Annual
...the biggest problem for parents with inquisitive children is not knowing the answers. For those times, consider The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents)...."
Boston Globe
"The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents)" is of strong interest for any parent who wants to arm their child with general knowledge.
Children's Bookwatch
Part of a series of "Answer" books, this unusual and interesting book in its second edition helps parents answer, authoritatively, the wacky and wonderful questions that young children can ask. There is just the right balance of information to satisfy most youngsters without overwhelming. This book should not be kept on the shelf but rather left out to encourage questions and the seeking of answers.
Children's Literature
I'd judge it as a perfect book for an audience of curious children ages eight to thirteen or so, and the parents of children who like to ask questions.
Having this nearby will equip every parent for those difficult, absurd, or sometimes funny questions from their kids. The book is well organized with tabs marking each section for easy reference.
Now...parents have a resource they can reach for when their kids throw a doozy of a question their way
San Diego Union Tribune
The Handy Answer Book for Kids is a great little reference book, filled with pictures and charts and other visual delights. The questions are a lot of fun, ranging from the profound--"Who is God?"--to the trivial--"How does a vacuum cleaner pick up dirt?"
Kids ask the darndest things .
. . and here are the answers---all in one helpful book!Anyone who has ever been a kid, raised a kid, or spent any time with kids knows that asking questions is a critical part of growing up. Kids have curious minds and they come up with some very interesting questions. But the truth is adults don't always know the answers. The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents) comes to the rescue. It addresses nearly 800 queries with enough depth and detail to both satisfy the curiosity of persistent young inquisitors and provide parents with a secure sense of a job well done.
Written with a child's imagination in mind, this easy-to-understand book permits kids to help themselves because it's organized by simple topical chapters: Outer Space; Planet Earth and Our Moon; Creatures Big and Small; Plant Life; People around the World; Politics and Government; How Things Work; Math, Measurement, and Time; All about My Body; and Daily Life. Each question posed is given a complete and satisfying answer, going beyond "because" and "it just is" and "I don't know."
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