Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places, Second Edition
Steiger has gathered some of the most compelling evidence for ghosts and hauntings ... an entertaining source of spine-tingling, late-night reading.
an extensive compilation of accounts that cover virtually every category of ghostly encounter and supernatural manifestation ... This book is easily recommended.
Alternate Perceptions Magazine
Steiger, a ghosthunter and author of inspirational and paranormal books, relates about 200 ghost stories and first-person encounters with the supernatural.
Book News
Whether or not you are inclined to believe in such things, the hundreds of stories make for fascinating reading, and many of the photographs are mesmerizing.
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Everyone interested in our final destination, or just in need of a very creepy reading experience, should have a copy.
Fate magazine
This heavy paperback is Steiger's expanded revision of the already huge edition of 2003. [H]e provides what is probably the most extensive introduction to the genre. There is so much here that even veteran pursuers of ghosts (whether by reading or investigating) are bound to find something new.
Fortean Times
The book is filled with hundreds of stories about people’s first-hand encounters at famed (and not so famed) locations. An impressive (and heavy) read that will provide years of ghost revelations. “Real Ghosts..” has me convinced.
This excellent collection of ghost encounters will both warm the heart and scare you out of your wits.
Library Journal
Real Ghosts is to provide us with a wealth of suspense-soaked and captivating tales (best devoured by flickering candlelight, of course) that cover just about every aspect of the realm of ghosts.
Nick Redfern's World of Whatever...
Ghost Hunters will find this book a valuable tool ... I truly recommend this book!
Paul Dale Roberts
[This] is one of the most complete collections [of ghost stories] that I have seen.
Society for Paranormal Investigation
Brad Steiger is one of the few authors who can give life to ghosts
Victoria Benham, Editor Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places is more than a collection of true ghost stories. You will find yourself plunked into the middle of the eerie action with captivating stories that would be at home at any midnight campfire. The only difference is these stories aren't urban legends employing hooks, needles, or long, metal fingernails for their scare. These stories exist outside of the mind and live right next door to every one of us.
The culmination of Brad Steiger’s 50 years of paranormal research, this book is a bold telling of true ghost stories and first-person encounters with the supernatural. Arranged in 29 topical chapters, it covers every sort of ghost and haunting, including:
Haunted Houses and Apartments
Poltergeists: Unwelcome House Guests
Shadow Beings that Attacked Their Victims
Spirit Parasites that Possess
Ghosts that Returned to Bid Farewell
Inspirational Messages from the Other Side
Apparitions of Religious Figures
Ghostly Encounters with Famous Men and Women
Animal Ghosts—Domesticated and Wild
Haunted Churches, Cemeteries, and Burial Grounds
Creepy Castles and Ghostly Royalty
Did you know that ghosts still haunt Ohio’s State Reformatory, otherwise known as Shawshank? Or that Abraham Lincoln regularly consulted with mediums? That Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, Katharine Howard, Jane Seymour, Elizabeth I, and King George III all still regularly “visit” some of England's most famous castles? You'll also unearth the ghastly goings-on and macabre manifestations at a host of haunted places from sacred sites around the world to neighborhood restaurants.
Real Ghosts delves into the true scary stories from both historical documents and personal accounts. This second edition builds on the highly acclaimed, masterful first edition. It is updated to include new stories and compelling evidence of both the existence of ghosts and proof of hauntings that will entertain, induce chills, and make the doubtful believe.
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