Assassinations: The Plots, Politics, and Powers behind History-changing Murders
Celebrity deaths, notorious murders, and unexplained alien encounters are not just the stuff of tabloids … Allowing for uncertainty in some of the tales he relates, Redfern cites sources for further exploration, leaving opportunity for readers, especially fans of true crime and conspiracy theories, to judge for themselves.
Here's one to whet your True Crime whistle: "Assassinations: The Plots, Politics, and powers Behind History-Changing Murders" by Nick Redfern. The title says it all ... except "you'll like it."
Bookworm Sez
… examines conspiracies related to assassinations, mysterious deaths, accidents, and suicides of individuals like Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy, James Forrestal, Danny Casolaro, Princess Diana, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Robert F. Kennedy, and many others …
Protoview Book News
Readers will find it all in Assassinations: the deluded fools looking for fame and the conned suckers framed by sinister powers. Exposed are the hidden interests behind the slayings in this deep dive into high stakes killings and conspiracies.
A deep dive into high stakes killings, conspiracies and crimes!
Ruthless killers and murderers for hire: they are here, there, and everywhere.They lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce. They terminate on command. And, in the process, they change the course of the world. They are among the world’s most cold-hearted, deadly, and emotionless figures. They are assassins, and they have a long history of grievous deeds.
From the cunning, calculating, government-trained warriors to the psychopathic, homegrown freelancers, you can find them all in Assassinations: The Plots, Politics, and Powers behind History-changing Murders. Exposed are the hidden agendas as well as the open warfare. The cynical preparations and devastating aftermaths are laid bare. You will quickly find yourself immersed in a world that is filled with killings made to seem like suicides, murders that were designed to look like heart attacks or overdoses, and accidents that, in reality, were carefully orchestrated deaths.
These questions and many more are answered in Assassinations, the book that looks into how and why so many famous and influential figures just had to go. With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.
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