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Real Nightmares b. 12 Real Nightmares: Freaks, Fiends and Evil Spirits (Book 12)
by Brad Steiger

Unnatural squeals. Hair-raising yelps. Wretched cries. What sinister beings lurk in the woods, swamps, cities, and closets near us? Dark stories of... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 2 Real Nightmares: True Unexplained Phenomena and Tales of the Unknown (book 2)
by Brad Steiger

Do you think that you have bad dreams? Well, these people have lived them! Secret government experiments, soulless monsters, a haunted mansion, and... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 3 Real Nightmares: Things that go Bump in the Night (book 3)
by Brad Steiger

Demon possession, men in black, the devil baby, ethereal abduction, what's under the bed?!?—and you thought you couldn't sleep. Paranormal researcher... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 4 Real Nightmares: Things that Prowl and Growl in the Night (book 4)
by Brad Steiger

Zombies, vampires, werewolves, and nasty ghosts that roam at night. Paranormal researcher extraordinaire Brad Steiger, an author of thousands of books... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 5 Real Nightmares: Fiends That Want Your Blood (book 5)
by Brad Steiger

Fangs, slashing knives, and almost being eaten alive. Confronted by the unimaginable, how would you cope? Paranormal researcher extraordinaire Brad... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 6 Real Nightmares: Unexpected Visitors and Unwanted Guests (book 6)
by Brad Steiger

Abducted, surprise visitors, and a mysterious gas station. Normal days and normal lives interrupted by the unusual and unwanted. Paranormal... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 7 Real Nightmares: Dark and Deadly Demons (book 7)
by Brad Steiger

Nasty ghosts. Family curses. A fateful bogey man. Shrieks, howls, and cries of terror. Those and more dark tales of sinister creatures await you in... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 8 Real Nightmares: Phantoms, Apparitions and Ghosts (book 8)
by Brad Steiger

Screech! Rattle! and Thump! From blood-curdling whispers to miraculous events, the good, the bad and the frightful unseen presences await you in this... Read More »

Real Nightmares b. 9 Real Nightmares: Alien Strangers and Foreign Worlds (Book 9)
by Brad Steiger

Abductions, invasions, and encounters. Entities, aliens, and ancients. Who is among us? What happened in the past and what should we expect for the... Read More »

Real Vampires Real Vampires, Night Stalkers, and Creatures from the Darkside
by Brad Steiger

Not only do vampires exist, they walk among us! Paranormal researcher extraordinaire, Brad Steiger, reveals that real vampires are not immortal, do... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578592555
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