The Serial Killer Next Door: The Double Lives of Notorious Murderers
... details the double lives of 30 lesser-known serial killers like the Golden State Killer, the Green River Killer, the Ken and Barbie Killers, the Bayou Strangler, the Austrian Ripper, and others. He provides profiles of the public and private lives of these killers as paramedics, physicians, nurses, painters, gardeners, handymen, chefs, accountants, real estate brokers, entertainers, and military members, including Robert Lee Yates, Vickie Dawn Jackson, Robert “Willie” Pickton, Israel Keyes, Gary Ridgway, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, Todd Kohlhepp, Joanna Dennehy, Ronald J. Dominique, and Joseph James D’Angelo, also detailing their motivations for killing.
Book News
… for a full look at some of the people inside … prisons.
Indianapolis Recorder
Could a serial killer live next door to any of us? Richard Estep shares tales of serial killers who slipped under the radar while doing their evil deeds.
Jim Harold’s Crime Scene
How well do you know your neighbors?
Maybe you should get to know them better! Growing up, we are taught that monsters are easy to identify, but the truth is very different. Too often, the serial murderer does not stand out. Otherwise, he, or she, would get caught.The contrast between the outwardly mundane lives of these frauds and their clandestine, bloodthirsty alter egos is exposed in The Serial Killer Next Door: The Double Lives of Notorious Murderers. This chilling book looks at the horrifying stories of nearly thirty malevolent killers who managed to hide in plain sight, including …
In addition to profiling serial killers in a wide range of jobs, The Serial Killer Next Door examines what drove them to murderous mayhem. Often the killers harbor some deep sense of resentment and anger toward the world, humanity, or a specific human being — a parent, a spouse, or lover — which is then projected onto innocent victims. Yet, each individual has slightly different motivations. Some serial killers seem to be born broken and no matter whether they were raised in a warm and loving environment or grew up in an abusive, toxic home, they still became twisted, psychotic monsters!
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