Angels A to Z, Second Edition

by Evelyn Dorothy Oliver and James R Lewis
Angels A to Z, 2nd Edition

Anything and everything related to angels can be found in this book. This work will be a great addition to any library's reference collection.

American Reference Books Annual

Angels A to Z is a thorough, encyclopedia-style volume on angelic beings and all things angel-related. Discover how cultures throughout history have represented angels in their mythology, folklore, art, literature, and religious doctrine.

Fate magazine

For those who feel they've had personal encounters with otherworldly creatures, the book will provide interesting background to a profound experience; those merely intrigued will find a cultural reference and historical perspectives on these "messengers of God."


[Angels A to Z] compiles angel facts and lore in short readable citations. For quick trivia, this book works . . ..

Library Journal

Everything you ever wanted to know about angels.

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Angels have been vital participants throughout history, appearing just when they're needed most. And a new book explores these indispensable beings in all their guises. Angels A to Z reveals the stunning impact of angels on mankind from ancient times to today's modern world.

SUN magazine

[I]t's not just limited to the angels of Christianity, touching on Islamic and Nordic angels as well. [A]ny angel lover will find "Angels A to Z" a top pick and highly recommended....

The Midwest Book Review

Written by two recognized authorities on nontraditional religious movements, this resource is one of the most comprehensive books on angels and related topics currently available.

More than 300 entries are included and drawn from multiple religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Hindu traditions, as well as from pop culture. A variety of angel topics are discussed, including celebrity angels, classifications of angels, obscure angels still waiting for their big break, guardian angels, fallen angels, Anaheim angels, biblical figures associated with angels, angels in art and architecture, and angels in the media and literature. Angels are also discussed in terms of the occult and metaphysics, with entries on UFOs, fairies, and witches. A comprehensive resource section lists movies, books, magazines, and organizations related to angels.

About Evelyn Dorothy Oliver

Evelyn Dorothy Oliver, Ph.D., has an impressive, thirty-year track record as a crisis intervention therapist. In every case of remarkable healing, she credits the assistance of angels. She holds a doctorate in divinity, and she is the author of Afterlife Journeys and Dream Yourself Awake for Women.

Hometown: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
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About James R Lewis

Prof. Lewis is the author of Visible Ink Press' Angels A to Z, The Astrology Book, and The Dream Encyclopedia. Other titles include Doomsday Prophecies: A Complete Guide to the End of the World, Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft, and Peculiar Prophets: A Biographical Dictionary of New Religions, and his latest, The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements. Lewis' work has received recognition in the form of Choice's Outstanding Academic Title award and Best Reference Book awards from the American Library Association and the New York Public Library Association.

Hometown: Stevens Point, Wisconsin

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Quick Facts

  • ISBN: 9781578592128
  • PDF ISBN: 9781578592289
  • Kindle ISBN: 9781578592401
  • ePUB ISBN: 9781578592579
  • 448 pages
  • 125 illustrations
  • paperback
  • $44.95

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