Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier of Hidden Plots and Schemes
... contains entries on 250 individuals, organizations, and events related to conspiracy theories and secret societies ... presenting details about specific conspiracy theories to allow readers to draw their own conclusions.
-Book News
The term “conspiracy theory” is attributed to a memo that circulated within the CIA in 1967 … Conspiracies and Secret Societies is a near-exhaustive compilation of cabals (alleged and verified) that have fascinated the public’s imagination over the centuries. This third edition features new entries relating to Qanon, January 6th, COVID-19, and the administration of Donald Trump. The wealth of theories presented will keep many avid researchers busy. It is a useful reference tool for conspiracy adherents, while being entertaining for the conspiracy agnostic or averse.
-San Francisco Book Review
This is truly an astonishing encyclopedia of conspiracies of every kind and secret societies of every dark shade, from antiquity right up to the present day. ... It's another must-have. (on previous edition)
The Steigers' present in this massive book a truly wide and fascinating range of material dealing with an endless array of startling scenarios of conspiracy and secret societies. There’s virtually everything here.
Alternate Perceptions Magazine (on previous edition)
If you’re not already paranoid, you may be after reading this book. This primer hits the highlights of murder plots, suicides, extraterrestrials, government cover-ups, and religious mysteries throughout the centuries.
Booklist (on previous edition)
Well worth adding to any library … but be forewarned: reading this work may just change your outlook on life, and for that matter, the entire world you thought you knew… radical shifts in your accepted reality may await! (on previous edition)
Just about every odd, secretive and intellectually indulging subject is proposed and explained .... [I]n the scope of conspiracy and secretive societies published works goes, this has to be my favorite. Definitely worth the price of admission! (on previous edition)
[A] wonderful read: It calmly and rationally explains the sort of urban myths and conspiracy theories that we all hear dribs and drabs about around the water cooler, but of which few of us really know the details? In a straightforward manner, [the Steigers] present evidence for a theory and evidence against it. [An] always entertaining, sometimes funny, occasionally disturbing reference book.
Orange County Register (on previous edition)
Riveting tome.... Written in an accessible, entertaining style.... Chock-full of engrossing and provocative articles.... While this work may offend, enrage, and even frighten some, it’s sure to be a hit with conspiracy enthusiasts.
School Library Journal (on previous edition)
From Alchemy to Zionism this fearless masterpiece breaks down the truth and filters through the lies, presenting the reader with a clear and precise picture of the world around them. Big thumbs up!
The Conspiracy Review (on previous edition)
Top Ten Synchromystic Books of the Year
The Twilight Language (on previous edition)
The invisible world of influence and power revealed.
Hidden agendas uncovered. An examination of over 250 current and historical conspiracies, secret cabals, and powerful groups.Claims and counterclaims. Stunning allegations. Suppressed evidence. Missing witnesses and rogue operatives. Threats, cover-ups, and assassinations. Brazen lies and startling truths. Documented connections and worrisome coincidences to even deeper intrigue. American history is replete with warnings of hidden plots by shadowy groups and nefarious power brokers.
Separating fact from fiction, this compelling work provides gripping details and presents the information without bias, including facts about hundreds of individuals, organizations, and events in which official claims and standard explanations of actions and events remain shrouded in mystery. Sifting through the evidence, weighing competing narratives in a search for the truth, Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier of Hidden Plots and Schemes examines the many subjects discussed by conspiracy theorists, probing and analyzing the dark doings of secret societies. Bring yourself up to date with the latest research and findings into historical topics plus current issues, including:
Originally published in 2006, Brad and Sherry Steiger’s masterwork gets an update, with more than 50 new entries, and a complete review and revision by a panel of experts to incorporate the latest developments and newly uncovered conspiracies. Whether confirming or debunking a conspiracy or secret group, Conspiracies and Secret Societies cites sources to let you do your own research and draw your own conclusions. This important book brings the facts to light and provides insights into conspiracies and the world of conspiracy theorists. Knowledge is our best weapon against these people, groups, and their nefarious schemes. When some of the nation's highest leaders, their wives, and followers promote—and even believe—false conspiracies, knowing which conspiracies are actually real and which you should not trust is more important than ever!
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