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African American Almanac 2e African American Almanac: 400 Years of Black Excellence
NEW by Lean'tin Bracks, PhD

Courage, resilience and triumph! Celebrating the African American experience, the extraordinary people, and their profound influence on American... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597802
Published 2023
Alien Book The Alien Book: A Guide to Extraterrestrial Beings on Earth
by Nick Redfern

Unmasking the mysteries of alien life on earth! Make mention of the word “alien” and it conjures images of black-eyed, large-headed,... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596874
American Murder American Murder: Criminals, Crime and the Media
by Mike Mayo

Mass murderers, spree killers, outlaws -- if they're notorious enough, Hollywood loves to get a hold of them and turn them into folk heroes or... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578591916
American Women's Almanac The American Women’s Almanac: 500 Years of Making History
by Deborah G Felder

Celebrate the vital roles and vibrant experiences of women in America! The most complete and affordable single-volume reference on women’s... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596362
Area 51 Area 51: The Revealing Truth of UFOs, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups, & Conspiracies
by Nick Redfern

Secrets, Myths, Disinformation Revealed! Area 51 sits on an unmarked dirt road that runs through the desolate southern Nevada desert. Warning... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596720
Armageddon Armageddon Now: The End of the World A to Z
by Jim Willis and Barbara Willis

Don't be left behind. Who knew that doomsday would be so hot? Environmental disasters, disease epidemics, the popularity of reality television, and... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578591688
Celebrity Ghosts Celebrity Ghosts and Notorious Hauntings
by Marie D Jones

Stories of Fame, Death and Ghostly Immortality ... Even the most famous stars sometimes come back as infamous ghosts and apparitions. Whether... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596898
Conspiracies and Secret Societies 3e Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier of Hidden Plots and Schemes
by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger

The invisible world of influence and power revealed. Hidden agendas uncovered. An examination of over 250 current and historical conspiracies,... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597673
Published September 2023
Constitution Explained The Constitution Explained: A Guide for Every American
by David L Hudson, Jr.

The Constitution has ensured that the United States is governed by the rule of law rather than by a dictator. It’s been described as a contract... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597505
Cover-Ups Cover-Ups & Secrets: The Complete Guide to Government Conspiracies, Manipulations & Deceptions
by Nick Redfern

Disinformation comes in many forms. Denying, deadcatting, discrediting, and demonizing. Forged documents, fabricated intelligence, subversion,... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596799
Disaster Survival Guide The Disaster Survival Guide: How to Prepare For and Survive Floods, Fires, Earthquakes and More
by Marie D Jones

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Floods. Wildfires. Earthquakes. Epidemics. Droughts. Landslides. Trillions of dollars in damages. Billions of people affected.... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596737
Disinformation Disinformation and You: Identify Propaganda and Manipulation
by Marie D Jones

They provoke you with anger because fear-filled people are easier to manipulate. The tricks, tools and tactics used to influence you and your loved... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597406
Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomena The Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomena
by J. Gordon Melton, PhD

Visions of Mary and glimpses of GOD. Hundreds of people gather at a freeway underpass in Chicago to gaze at what mystified state police reported to be... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578592098
Grifters Grifters, Frauds, and Crooks: True Stories of American Corruption
by Richard Estep

Power, Money, Sex: The Corrupt Trifecta! This captivating book uncovers the insidious web of deceit that infiltrates every facet of our nation's... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597963
Published 2023
Handy American Government The Handy American Government Answer Book: How Washington, Politics and Elections Work
by Gina Misiroglu

The stakes have never been higher: national security, civil liberties, the economy, the future of the republic. Yet few outside Washington really... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596393
Handy Boston The Handy Boston Answer Book
by Samuel Willard Crompton

Whether it's called Beantown, The Olde Towne, Titletown, The Cradle of Liberty, The Athens of America, The Puritan City, The City on a Hill, or any of... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578595938
Handy California The Handy California Answer Book
by Kevin S Hile

California is the country's most populous state. The home of the entertainment industry and silicon valley. It's known for its beaches, its redwood... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578595914
Handy Civics The Handy Civics Answer Book: How to be a Good Citizen
NEW by David L Hudson, Jr.

Citizenship Unleashed: Nurturing Democracy and Strengthening America! Delve into the essence of citizenship and the part we play in the functioning... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578598113
Published 2024
Handy Forensic Science The Handy Forensic Science Answer Book: Reading Clues at the Crime Scene, Crime Lab, and in Court
by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney

Blood, ballistics, and bodies. Fibers, fingerprints, and facial reconstruction. Forensic science, criminal investigations, the art of uncovering and... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596218
Handy Supreme Court 2e The Handy Supreme Court Answer Book: The History and Issues Explained
NEW by David L Hudson, Jr.

High Court History and Issues Explained! How has the U.S. Supreme Court justices’ thinking on gun rights, abortion, free speech, freedom... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597826
Published 2023
Handy Western Philosophy The Handy Western Philosophy Answer Book: The Ancient Greek Influence on Modern Understanding
by Ed D'Angelo, Ph.D.

Difficult philosophy made easy. The universe and our place in it, the meaning of life, the nature of justice and the good society, and the powers... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578595563
Handy Wisconsin The Handy Wisconsin Answer Book
by Terri Schlichenmeyer and Mark Meier

Whether attracted by the bucolic countryside’s lakes, streams, and vacation retreats; the vibrant arts community of Milwaukee; the raucous political... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596614
Illuminati The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked the World
by Jim Marrs

Shining a Light on a Shadowy Society Secret Schemes. Concealed Connections. Pernicious Power. Intimate Initiations. Big banks and market... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578596195
Originals! Originals! Black Women Breaking Barriers
by Jessie Carney Smith, Ph.D.

Overlooked and underappreciated, African American women have long been relegated to a footnote in America history, but now they are at the forefront... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597598
Plagues Plagues, Pandemics and Viruses: From the Plague of Athens to Covid 19
by Heather E Quinlan

Pandemics can come in waves—like tidal waves! They change societies. They disrupt life. They end lives. As far back as 3000 B.C.E. (the... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597048
Runaway Science Runaway Science: True Stories of Raging Robots and Hi-Tech Horrors
by Nick Redfern

Will computers come to dominate man? Will advanced technology, robots, and artificial intelligence enhance or destroy our future … thereby changing... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578598014
Published 2023
Secret History Secret History: Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order
by Nick Redfern

Conspiracies, Cabals, and Plots History is written by the winners—and the powerful—but how much of it is fiction? Were schemes concealed?... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578594795
Secret Societies Secret Societies: The Complete Guide to Histories, Rites, and Rituals
by Nick Redfern

Claims and counter-claims. Accusations and allegations. NSA spying and suppressed evidence. Cover-ups and threats. Documented connections and... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578594832
Spirit Book The Spirit Book: The Encyclopedia of Clairvoyance, Channeling, and Spirit Communication
by Raymond Buckland

The fascinating history of Spiritualism is coaxed into the material realm as the object of this perceptive and sweeping overview by that legendary... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597901
Supervillain Book The Supervillain Book: The Evil Side of Comics and Hollywood
by Gina Misiroglu and Michael Eury

What would a good guy be without the bad guy? Boring. Drawing from sources in comic books, film, live-action and animated television, newspaper... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578591787
Toxin Nation Toxin Nation: The Poisoning of Our Air, Water, Food, and Bodies
by Marie D Jones

Should we really trust the government, Big Pharma, agribusinesses, factory farms, or the fossil-fuel industry with our safety? We live in... Read More »

ISBN: 9781578597093
Published 2025